type: IEEE Tech Societies Media Lead Generation
IEEE MTT-S White Papers
150 Leads – guaranteed! Provide your in-depth technology research to highly qualified technology professionals focused on radio frequencies, wireless technologies and more. IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society White Papers will help raise awareness and visibility of your company’s products and services, and provide a platform for product evaluation. Marketing studies show that white papers…
IEEE Communications Society Tech Focus
IEEE Communications Society Tech Focus site provides free access to valuable, unique content, including the latest complete articles and conference papers from the IEEE Communications Society Digital Library on a specific topic or technology. Sponsors select a topic/communications technology of their choice. IEEE Communications Society provides free links to four articles on the technology selected from a…
IEEE Communications Society White Papers
150 Leads – guaranteed! Provide your in-depth technology research to 100,000+ highly qualified communications technology professionals. IEEE Communications Society White Papers will help raise awareness and visibility of your company’s products and services, and provide a platform for product evaluation. Marketing studies show that white papers are an excellent touchpoint communication to influence prospects in…
IEEE Communications Society Webinars
300 Leads – guaranteed! IEEE Communications Society sponsored webinars, with audio/slide show downstream and text (for Q&A) upstream, focus on technologies, systems, products and services of current interest to both sponsors and technical/business audiences. Webinars are promoted to the global community of communications professionals and are free to the viewing audience. Typical webinars run for…
IEEE Communications Society Free Tutorials Now
Free Tutorials Now are in-depth online presentations on a specific communications technology. The sponsor selects from a list of current online presentations. These online presentations are available for free during the sponsor period. Engineers will take advantage of the free sponsored presentations, and appreciate that the free presentation access is provided by the corporate sponsor .…
IEEE Communications Society Webcasts
IEEE Communications Society Webcasts are client prepared presentations hosted on the IEEE Communications Society website and promoted to top communication professionals across the globe. Present relevant technology content to a key audience and receive a guarantee of 300 leads! HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP
IEEE Microwave and Techniques Society Webinars
IEEE members flock to our one-hour webcasts to hear industry gurus talk tech. IEEE MTT-S Webinars grab the attention of a dedicated, technologically savvy audience. Position your company as an educator to engineers in microwave theory and techniques; Your company’s logo will be seen throughout the webinar driving our viewers to your site; Sponsors will be promoted through marketing…
MTT-S Tech Focus
MTT-S Tech Focus provides free access to valuable, unique content, including the latest complete articles and conference papers from the IEEE Xplore Digital Library on a specific topic or technology. Sponsors select a topic/technology of their choice. MTT-S provides free links to four articles on the technology selected from a variety of IEEE magazines, journals and conference proceedings. Engineers…