type: IEEE Tech Societies Product and Recruitment Advertising

  • IEEE Pulse Magazine

    IEEE Pulse Magazine

    IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) is the world’s largest society of biomedical engineers. IEEE EMBS is the leading publisher of original research in biomedical engineering, including the award-winning IEEE PULSE Magazine, which attracts a broad readership, with its general and technical articles. The magazine is issued in a digital format. IEEE Pulse…

  • IEEE Communications Society Magazine – Print & Digital

    IEEE Communications Society Magazine – Print & Digital

    IEEE Communications Society subscribers are communications engineers, engineering managers, and system architects in systems and equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Topics covered include: Wireless Communications RF Communications Optical Communications Consumer Communications VoIP Quality of Service Internet Technology GPRS Base Stations Antennas MIMO 3G/4G Wireless Testing for Communications Systems & Components Wireless LAN Software Radio WiFi Military &…

  • IEEE Communications Society Tech Insights

    IEEE Communications Society Tech Insights

    Exclusive message sent from IEEE Communications Society on sponsor’s behalf to over 65,000 opt-in subscribers monthly. IEEE Communications Society is making its proprietary email lists available to promote your message to professionals in the communications technology sector. IEEE Communications Society’s policy requires messages need to be primarily design/technology/solutions oriented, especially at the beginning. Sales messages…

  • IEEE Communications Society Tech Focus

    IEEE Communications Society Tech Focus

    IEEE Communications Society Tech Focus site provides free access to valuable, unique content, including the latest complete articles and conference papers from the IEEE Communications Society Digital Library on a specific topic or technology. Sponsors select a topic/communications technology of their choice. IEEE Communications Society provides free links to four articles on the technology selected from a…

  • IEEE Communications Society White Papers

    IEEE Communications Society White Papers

    150 Leads – guaranteed! Provide your in-depth technology research to 100,000+ highly qualified communications technology professionals. IEEE Communications Society White Papers will help raise awareness and visibility of your company’s products and services, and provide a platform for product evaluation. Marketing studies show that white papers are an excellent touchpoint communication to influence prospects in…

  • IEEE Communications Society Webinars

    IEEE Communications Society Webinars

    300 Leads – guaranteed! IEEE Communications Society sponsored webinars, with audio/slide show downstream and text (for Q&A) upstream, focus on technologies, systems, products and services of current interest to both sponsors and technical/business audiences. Webinars are promoted to the global community of communications professionals and are free to the viewing audience. Typical webinars run for…

  • IEEE Communications Society Free Tutorials Now

    IEEE Communications Society Free Tutorials Now

    Free Tutorials Now are in-depth online presentations on a specific communications technology. The sponsor selects from a list of current online presentations. These online presentations are available for free during the sponsor period. Engineers will take advantage of the free sponsored presentations, and appreciate that the free presentation access is provided by the corporate sponsor .…

  • IEEE Communications Society Standards – Print & Digital

    IEEE Communications Society Standards – Print & Digital

    A supplement to IEEE Communications Society Magazine, IEEE Communication Society Standards provides information on consensus standards for a global communications industry. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP

  • IEEE Communications Society Banners

    IEEE Communications Society Banners

    The IEEE Communications Society Website boasts an average of 66,000 unique visitors and 177,000 page views each month. Home Page Package: Capture the attention of thousands of professionals in the communication technology field through a premium advertising banner opportunity on the Home Page of the IEEE Communications Society. Publications Page Package: Reach communication engineers across four…

  • 12 Things You Need to Know This Month

    12 Things You Need to Know This Month

    New for 2015! 12 Things You Need to Know This Month provides essential updates on new technology and timely information in the Communications field. This monthly e-newsletter covers IEEE Communications Society events, activities and educational programs. Put your sponsored message front and center in this exciting new monthly e-Newsletter! Circulation 122,000 — 32% open rate Can be combined with IEEE Communications Society…

  • IEEE Communications Society Webcasts

    IEEE Communications Society Webcasts

    IEEE Communications Society Webcasts are client prepared presentations hosted on the IEEE Communications Society website and promoted to top communication professionals across the globe. Present relevant technology content to a key audience and receive a guarantee of 300 leads! HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP

  • The Institute Website

    The Institute Website

    The Institute Website expands the coverage of the print version to inform members about news, awards, upcoming IEEE conferences, comprehensive products and services, new standards, member recognitions and benefits and more information from Regions, Sections and Societies. We also have an email alert to inform subscribers of updates to The Institute Website. 37,550 Total Visitors…

  • The Institute – Print & Digital

    The Institute – Print & Digital

    The quarterly 4-color format contains news and informs members about awards and recognitions, member benefits and profiles, and a column from the IEEE President. Available in both print and digital format, this publication also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please click here. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP

  • The Institute Alert

    The Institute Alert

    The Institute Alert informs subscribers of updates to The Institute Website in a biweekly e-mail. Editorially, The Institute Website expands the coverage and frequency of the print version to inform members about news, awards, upcoming IEEE conferences, comprehensive products and services, new standards, member recognitions and benefits and more information from Regions, Sections and Societies.…

  • IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine

    IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine

    IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine covers the organization, systems engineering, design, development, integration, and operation of complex systems for space, air, ocean, or ground environments. These systems include but are not limited to navigation, avionics, mobile electric power and electronics, radar, sonar, telemetry, military, law-enforcement, automatic test, simulators, and command and control. This publication…

  • IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine – Print & Digital

    IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine – Print & Digital

    IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine readers are dedicated to the enhancement of antenna systems, electromagnetic wave propagation, and scattering in complex media for wireless communication, sensing, medical, and other applications. This publication also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please click here. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP

  • IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine

    IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine

    IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine covers circuit theory, analysis, design (CAD), and practical implementation, and the application of circuit theoretic techniques to systems and to signal processing. Areas of interest include aerospace, automotive, biomedical, communications, computers, consumer products, power systems, and life-sciences. This publication also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please…

  • IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine – Print & Digital

    IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine – Print & Digital

    IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine is the study of design of intelligent agents. The goal of computational intelligence (CI) is to understand both natural and artificial systems including bioinformatics, linguistics, robotics, games, neural networks, fuzzy systems and evolutionary computation. Available in both print and digital format, this publication also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on…

  • IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine

    IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine

    The IEEE Consumer Electronics Society (CE-S) readers are engineers and researchers involved in design, development, use and operation of consumer product technology that includes video and audio technology; white goods; home care products; mobile communications; gaming; home automation and navigation devices; artificial intelligence; cable and satellite technology. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine also accepts recruitment advertising.…

  • IEEE Control Systems Magazine

    IEEE Control Systems Magazine

    Control systems are a key technology in the manufacturing, automation, materials processing, automotive, and aerospace industries. Readers are involved in the design, development and implementation of control systems. IEEE Control Systems Magazine also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please click here. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP

  • IEEE Design & Test Magazine

    IEEE Design & Test Magazine

    IEEE Design & Test Magazine is designed for engineers and researchers involved in the design, development and implementation of products and services for circuits, systems, and signal processing. This publication also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please click here. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP

  • IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

    IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

    Dielectrics and electrical insulation covers the behavior and the development, characterization and application of all gaseous, liquid and solid electrical insulating materials and systems used in electrical and electronic equipment, including power products, instrumentation and testing, aerospace, consumer products, communications, computers and life sciences. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information…

  • IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine

    IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine

    Electromagnetic compatibility is the capability of systems or equipment to be operated in the intended environment at designed levels of efficiency without degradation. Readers are dedicated to the enhancement of electromagnetic compatibility including techniques, test procedures, and measuring instruments. IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please click…

  • IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine – Digital

    IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine – Digital

    Geoscience and remote sensing are those systems utilizing synergistic technologies and systems engineering concepts to develop and improve remote sensing systems of all kinds. These systems use sensors as well as power supplies, signal conditioners, embedded processors and wireless communications. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine is issued in a digital format and also accepts…

  • IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine

    IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine

    IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine covers intelligent and computer control systems, robotics, factory communications and automation, flexible manufacturing, data acquisition and signal processing, vision systems and power electronics. This publication also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please click here. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP

  • IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine

    IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine

    Intelligent transportation systems are those systems utilizing synergistic technologies and systems engineering concepts to develop and improve transportation systems of all kinds. These systems use sensors as well as power supplies, signal conditioners, embedded processors and wireless communications. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please click…

  • IEEE Industry Applications Magazine

    IEEE Industry Applications Magazine

    IEEE Industry Applications Magazine covers the development, design, manufacture and application of electrical systems, apparatus, devices, and controls to the processes and equipment of industry; the promotion of safe, reliable, and economic installations; leadership in energy conservation and environmental, health, and safety issues; the creation of voluntary engineering standards and recommended practices; and the professional…

  • IEEE Microwave Magazine

    IEEE Microwave Magazine

    Microwave engineers are at the forefront of the wireless revolution including cellular and cordless telephones, pagers, radio, TV tuning circuits, personal communication systems (PCS), radar, and set-top boxes. Readers are involved in research, development, design and application of microwave theory and techniques. IEEE Microwave Magazine also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising,…

  • IEEE Microwave Newsletter

    IEEE Microwave Newsletter

    The most qualified newsletter in the Microwave/RF market, IEEE Microwave Newsletter has new content published monthly, expanding the coverage and frequency of IEEE Microwave Magazine print edition. The Microwave Newsletter informs readers on technology and industry news, upcoming conferences, volunteering opportunities and more! HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP

  • IEEE Microwave and Techniques Society Webinars

    IEEE Microwave and Techniques Society Webinars

    IEEE members flock to our one-hour webcasts to hear industry gurus talk tech. IEEE MTT-S Webinars grab the attention of a dedicated, technologically savvy audience. Position your company as an educator to engineers in microwave theory and techniques; Your company’s logo will be seen throughout the webinar driving our viewers to your site; Sponsors will be promoted through marketing…

  • MTT-S Tech Focus

    MTT-S Tech Focus

    MTT-S Tech Focus provides free access to valuable, unique content, including the latest complete articles and conference papers from the IEEE Xplore Digital Library on a specific topic or technology. Sponsors select a topic/technology of their choice. MTT-S provides free links to four articles on the technology selected from a variety of IEEE magazines, journals and conference proceedings. Engineers…

  • IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine

    IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine

    Nanotechnology involves the building of circuits and devices from single atoms and molecules. It is the branch of engineering that has the ability to measure, see, manipulate and manufacture things between 1 and 100 nanometers. IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please click here. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR…

  • IEEE Photonics Society News

    IEEE Photonics Society News

    Lasers and electro-optics covers the application of lasers, optical devices, optical fibers, and associated lightwave technology in systems and subsystems in which quantum electronic devices are a key element. IEEE Photonics Society News also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please click here. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP

  • IEEE Potentials – Print & Digital

    IEEE Potentials – Print & Digital

    IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional society, connecting students and professional members to the latest information and the best technical resources available. There are more than 1,300 student branches around the world – along with 300 local sections and 1,300 technical chapters. Student members are automatically a member of the IEEE Student Branch established…

  • IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine – Print & Digital

    IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine – Print & Digital

    Robotics and automation involves designing intelligent machines and systems that are used in defense, space and underwater exploration, service industries, disaster relief, manufacturing and assembly, medicine including surgery, laboratory automation, agriculture, entertainment and all kinds of mechanical motion devices that can help and support humans or their well-being. Available in both print and digital format,…

  • IEEE Signal Processing Magazine – Print & Digital

    IEEE Signal Processing Magazine – Print & Digital

    The term “signal” includes audio, video, speech, image, communications, geophysical, sonar, radar, medical, musical and other signals. Readers are involved in audio/speech, aerospace, automotive, communications, computers, consumer products, image processing, instrumentation/testing, medical signal processing and multimedia. Available in both print and digital format, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on…

  • IEEE Signal Processing Society Website

    IEEE Signal Processing Society Website

    Reach 30,000 unique visitors each month with your ad on the IEEE Signal Processing Society web home page. The web site expands the coverage of the print and digital editions of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine informing visitors to the site on latest news, upcoming conferences, and more! Transmission date — 1st of the month. HAVE…

  • IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine – Digital

    IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine – Digital

    IEEE Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Magazine covers the theories of communication, control, cybernetics, systems, and human-factors engineering. This publication also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please click here. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP

  • IEEE Technology and Society Magazine – Print & Digital

    IEEE Technology and Society Magazine – Print & Digital

    The social implications of technology on society covers a vast area including health and safety, engineering ethics and professional responsibility, technical expertise and public policy, economic issues, peace technology, and environmental implications. Readers include engineers, government health officials and regulators. Available in both print and digital format, IEEE Technology and Society Magazine also accepts recruitment advertising. For…

  • The Bridge Magazine – Digital Only

    The Bridge Magazine – Digital Only

    Content pertinent to IEEE-HKN honor society members including professional leaders, exceptional educators, outstanding students and young engineering professionals. The Bridge Magazine is issued in a digital format and also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please click here. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP

  • IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine

    IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine

    Vehicular technology is a key to connecting the mobile world. Broad areas of interest include land, airborne and maritime mobile services; portable commercial and citizen’s communications services; vehicular electrotechnology, equipment and systems of the automotive industry; traction power, signals, communications and control systems for mass transit and railroads. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine also accepts recruitment…

  • IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine – Print & Digital

    IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine – Print & Digital

    IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) recognizes women s outstanding achievements in electrical and electronics engineering. IEEE WIE is an international organization that facilitates the development of programs and activities promoting the entry into and retention of women in engineering programs, the retention of IEEE women members, and enhances the career advancement of women in the profession.…

  • IEEE Member Benefits Bulletin

    IEEE Member Benefits Bulletin

    The IEEE Member Benefits Bulletin keeps 290,000 members informed about their member benefits, through product/service announcements, benefit highlights, event notification, and Q&A forums. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP

  • IEEE.tv Alert

    IEEE.tv Alert

    The monthly IEEE.tv Alert will guide 290,000 readers to newly-released and previously released programs. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP

  • IEEE-USA InSight

    IEEE-USA InSight

    Keeps 200,000+ U.S. IEEE members up to date on technology,  careers, public policy and trends, programs, services, and activities. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP