audience: Robotics
IEEE Communications Society Magazine – Print & Digital
IEEE Communications Society subscribers are communications engineers, engineering managers, and system architects in systems and equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Topics covered include: Wireless Communications RF Communications Optical Communications Consumer Communications VoIP Quality of Service Internet Technology GPRS Base Stations Antennas MIMO 3G/4G Wireless Testing for Communications Systems & Components Wireless LAN Software Radio WiFi Military &…
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine covers the organization, systems engineering, design, development, integration, and operation of complex systems for space, air, ocean, or ground environments. These systems include but are not limited to navigation, avionics, mobile electric power and electronics, radar, sonar, telemetry, military, law-enforcement, automatic test, simulators, and command and control. This publication…
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine covers circuit theory, analysis, design (CAD), and practical implementation, and the application of circuit theoretic techniques to systems and to signal processing. Areas of interest include aerospace, automotive, biomedical, communications, computers, consumer products, power systems, and life-sciences. This publication also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please…
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine covers intelligent and computer control systems, robotics, factory communications and automation, flexible manufacturing, data acquisition and signal processing, vision systems and power electronics. This publication also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please click here. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine – Print & Digital
Robotics and automation involves designing intelligent machines and systems that are used in defense, space and underwater exploration, service industries, disaster relief, manufacturing and assembly, medicine including surgery, laboratory automation, agriculture, entertainment and all kinds of mechanical motion devices that can help and support humans or their well-being. Available in both print and digital format,…
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine – Print & Digital
The term “signal” includes audio, video, speech, image, communications, geophysical, sonar, radar, medical, musical and other signals. Readers are involved in audio/speech, aerospace, automotive, communications, computers, consumer products, image processing, instrumentation/testing, medical signal processing and multimedia. Available in both print and digital format, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on…
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine – Digital
IEEE Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Magazine covers the theories of communication, control, cybernetics, systems, and human-factors engineering. This publication also accepts recruitment advertising. For more information on recruitment advertising, please click here. HAVE QUESTIONS? FIND YOUR SALES REP